Did you know that when the leaves start changing color in the fall is the most crucial time of the year for your lawn? Although spring lawn care gets all the attention, fall lawn care is most important for your grass. So, here are four step to take right now to ensure your lawn looks amazing next spring.
1. Aerate
Performing this step gives new grass room to spread without competition from spring weeds. Aeration tools pull up plugs of grass and soil, breaking up compacted turf. This means water, oxygen and nutrients can easier reach roots while giving seeds room to grow. The activity level of your yard is something to consider when determining how often to aerate. Do you have kids that play on your grass when the weather is nice? Or is your lawn more of a trophy to show the world? If your grass gets trampled on a regular basis, plan on aerating in the spring and in the fall. If it only gets stepped on when mowing, you're safe to aerate only once per year.
2. Seed
The best time to seed your lawn is when the temperature hovers around 55 degrees in the fall. These turf roots grow vigorously in the fall and winter months to bring you a full, lush lawn in the spring. And don't cut corners on the seed if you want the best results. Remember to water your new seed every day for two to three weeks until it germinates.
3. Fertilize
To help your grass survive a harsh winter and to encourage it to grow nice and green in the spring, fertilize your lawn late in the fall, just before the first freeze. Use a high phosphorous product to help with root growth. If you can't find the high phosphorous products, substitute a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to promote shoot and root growth.
4. Mulch
Protecting your grass from winter wind will pay dividends in the spring. One way to do this is to shred your leaves with the lawnmower instead of raking them up. And if you have a mulching blade on your mower, the leaves will be ground even finer to benefit your lawn. As an added bonus, the shredded leaves will decompose into some excellent organic matter to feed the roots of your grass.
There you have it. Follow these steps to a nice green lawn when the warmer months return next year. Your home's curb appeal will thank you!
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