#26 Monday Morning Mortgage Tip w/Justin Froiland from Fairway Mortgage
Posted by Shane Andersen on
All right, a little adjustment here, as we get started, sorry about that. We got our high tech camera equipment here, in the way. It's all right. Should've had this ready to go.
- We'll get it.
- As you can see, Shane Andersen here with the Brookings Home Team of Century 21, powered by Century 21, and Justin here from Fairway Mortgage. And it is Monday morning, 8:15 on the dot. And that means it's our number 26, actually 26. Our 26th episode of the Monday Morning Mortgage Tip. So, it is cold here. First of all, Justin, I have to give you a huge kudos, a huge shout out for helping our clients, Janean's clients-
- Oh, yeah, any time.
- last week. We ran into a little snafu with them, on a different lender, Justin stepped it up and as…
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