- Hey guys Shane here from The Brookings Home Team, Century 21. No, it's not Monday, again it's Tuesday, and again, I have Andrew here from Dacotah Bank, which always seems to be the lucky draw here on the--
- Holiday.
- On the holiday time so thanks Andrew for adjusting your schedule, and making time for me here on Tuesday for the Monday morning mortgage tip. With that being said, I know it's cold out. People are probably not really thinking about building and stuff like that, but you might have some information on some loans for construction and things.
- Yeah Shane, like you said, I mean, it's definitely cold out there so I hopefully everybody's staying warm but a lot of you are probably thinking, hey it's not really the time to start thinking about building, but actually, it's the prime time to start talking. Get in and meet with myself, we can kind of run some figures, go through those plan specs, get those bids. 'Cause really a lot of times, we want to get that construction loan ready in place beforehand because if we don't, your contractor might have another project that's ready before you. And it might be the difference between you getting in that home in June, versus maybe August or September. So really stop in, we can run those numbers. Lots are still available right now. Upcoming Home Show, February 17th and 18th here in Brookings. Stop in, see myself, see Shane, Shane you guys should be out there.
- We'll be out there.
- Also with the Home Show, lots of other vendors. So great ideas as far as if you are planning on building, maybe doing some renovations in the upcoming. As well as open houses coming up. Definitely check out Shane's website, lots of information there, as well as Shane put my information there. So, as an equal housing lender, Dacotah Bank, we're here for you.
- Perfect, and you mentioned you'll be out at the Home Show. Are you gonna have your money wheel out there again?
- Ahh, not 100% sure, so don't quote me on that.
- But I'm sure we'll have lots of great prizes out there for you.
- I won a couple dollars on that before so that alone is worth just goin' out and talkin' to you guys. But yeah, again, I'll have Andrew's information up on top, on the side, side, or below, wherever your device will show you that information. So reach out to him if you have any questions on this tip or anything else mortgage related out there, he'd be happy to talk to you there. And as always too, if you have any questions for Andrew or myself, if you have a mortgage question, or just something that you've always wondered, please let us know, reach out to Andrew, reach out to myself, we'd be happy to answer that on our next episode, either here or at our next location so there you have it. Anything else before we end?
- No, I think you covered it.
- Perfect.
- So everybody stay warm and we'll see you hopefully at the Home Show.
- We'll be back at our next Monday morning, on the, what is it the 20th, 21st, something like that. So we'll be back on schedule there. Thanks for watching guys, we'll talk to you next week. See ya.
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