What’s Motivating More Buyers To Choose a Newly Built Home?
Posted by Shane Andersen on
Planning to buy a home soon? Why not go for something brand-new? Because data shows a lot more buyers are seeing the appeal of new home construction these days – and you may find out it’s what you want too.
The National Association of Realtors (NAR), explains that newly built homes accounted for 15% of all homes sold last year. That’s a significant increase, and is actually the highest percentage in 17 years (see graph below):
To get a closer look at why so many people are opting for a brand-new home, NAR surveyed recent buyers. And here are the top reasons why new builds gained so much popularity (see graph below):
Avoiding Renovations or Problems with Plumbing or Electricity (42%)
According to buyers, the number one benefit is the…
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