Found 5 blog entries tagged as Financing.

Now that you’ve made the exciting decision to buy a home, it’s time to get ready for the financial aspects of the process. While you’re probably focused on your down payment, there’s another expense that’s just as important but often overlooked: closing costs.

Here’s a breakdown of what closing costs are, how much they might be, and a few tips on how to reduce them.

What Are Closing Costs?

Closing costs refer to the additional fees and payments you need to cover when finalizing your home purchase. These fees vary based on the price of the home and the type of financing you’re using, but they’re a standard part of every real estate transaction. Unfortunately, many buyers forget to budget for these costs ahead of time. According to Freddie Mac,…

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Before making the decision to buy a home, it's important to plan for all the costs you’ll be responsible for. While you're busy saving for the down payment, don't forget you’ll want to prep for closing costs too.

Here’s some helpful information on what those costs are and how much you should budget for them.

What Are Closing Costs?

A recent article from Bankrate explains:

“Closing costs are the fees and expenses you must pay before becoming the legal owner of a house, condo or townhome . . . Closing costs vary depending on the purchase price of the home and how it’s being financed . . .”

Simply put, your closing costs are the additional fees and payments you have to make at closing. According to Freddie Mac, while they can vary by…

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The Journey To Buy a Home [INFOGRAPHIC] | MyKCM

Some Highlights

  • When you head out to buy a home, there are a number of key milestones you’ll encounter along the way.
  • The process includes everything from building your team and understanding your finances to going house hunting, making an offer, and more.
  • Your journey starts here. Let’s connect so you have expert guidance each step of the way.


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Things That Could Help You Win a Bidding War on a Home | MyKCM

With a limited number of homes for sale today and so many buyers looking to make a purchase before mortgage rates rise further, bidding wars are common. According to the latest report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), nationwide, homes are getting an average of 4.8 offers per sale. Here’s a look at how that breaks down state-by-state (see map below):

The same report from NAR shows the average buyer made two offers before getting their third offer accepted. In this type of competitive housing market, it’s important to know what levers you can pull to help you beat the competition. While a real estate professional is your ultimate guide to presenting a strong offer, here are a few things you could consider.

Offering over…

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Home Sellers: There Is an Extra Way To Welcome Home Our Veterans | MyKCM

Some veterans are finding it difficult to obtain a home in today’s market. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR):

“Conventional conforming mortgages (mortgages that conform to guidelines set by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac), accounted for 74% of mortgages obtained by homebuyers in May 2021, an increase from about 65% during 2018 through 2019…The share of VA-guaranteed loans has also decreased to 7% in May 2021 from about 10% in past years.”

Recent data in the latest Origination Insight Report from Ellie Mae sheds light on the continuation of this trend. Below, we can see just how small of a share of total financing VA loans made up in June of 2021, according to that Ellie Mae report:The drop in VA loan usage can be…

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